JoLaCE - Journal of Language and Cultural Education
ISSN 1339-4584 (online)
Submission Guidelines
Journal of Language and Cultural Education is published by an independent academic association SlovakEdu. The review and publishing processes are entirely independent of any institutional interest. Therefore, it is funded by publishing fees solely.
The publishing fee for 2025 is 410,- EUR (or the equivalent in other currencies).
Only original, previously unpublished research papers, reviews, survey and tutorial papers, application papers, plus case studies, short research notes, and letters, on both applied and theoretical aspects, should be submitted. Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published previously, and is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Submission of a manuscript is interpreted as a statement of certification that no part of the manuscript is copyrighted by any other publisher nor is under review by any other formal publication. It also implies that the corresponding author has the consent of all authors. It is the author´s responsibility to ensure that the manuscript does not cause any copyright infringements, defamation, or other problems.
Each paper will be provided with a paper ID for further reference. Please always refer to the paper ID in any further correspondence.
The manuscript flow
- Upon receipt of the paper submission, the editorial assistant sends an e-mail of confirmation to the corresponding author within 5 working days. If you fail to receive this confirmation, your submission/e-mail may have been missed. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief at (silvia.pokrivcakova@truni.sk or info@slovakedu.com).
- The paper goes to one of our executive editors who manages the reviewing process. We use a double-blind system for peer review. All manuscripts will be subject to a well-established, fair, unbiased peer review and refereeing procedure, and considered based on their significance, novelty, and usefulness to the journal´s readership. The reviewers' identities remain anonymous to the authors. The review process may take 8 to 16 weeks.
- Notification of the result of the review. The review output will be one of the following decisions:
- Accept
- Accept with minor changes
- Reject and send it to the author for editing. A second review is necessary.
- Reject
- If required, the authors need to revise the paper according to the reviewer's comments. After final acceptance of the paper, the corresponding author receives a Letter of Acceptance and an invoice for a publication fee. Please, do not pay the fee in advance. Recommended paying methods: bank transfer, PayPal, or Wester union transactions.
- After receiving the payment, the paper is included in a forthcoming issue of the journal which is published on the journal´s Sciendo website.
Submitted papers are assumed to contain no proprietary material unprotected by patent or patent application; responsibility for technical content and for protection of proprietary material rests solely with the author(s) and their organizations and is not the responsibility of the SlovakEdu or its Editorial Staff. The main author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain all necessary copyright release permissions for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript before the submission.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education (online) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Licence. The journal has a policy of “Zero Tolerance to Plagiarism”. We check plagiarism via two methods: reviewer check and plagiarism a selected prevention tool.
Open Access Statement
The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.
Paper format
Manuscripts must be written in English following the rules of academic style where high-quality grammar and style are essential. All the papers should ideally be 10 - 15 pages in length. Submissions must include – apart from the main text - the following elements: title, authors´ names, affiliations, contacts, abstract, keywords, and when applicable: introduction, main text, conclusions, appendixes, acknowledgement, and references (APA style).
Papers should be formatted into A4-size pages, with the main text of 10-point Aptos Narrow, in a single-spaced one-column format. Figures and tables must be sized as they are to appear in print. Figures should be placed exactly where they are to appear within the text. Other formats will not be accepted. Authors are strongly advised to follow the attached JoLaCE_template.
Authors should submit their papers via the online submission form. If there is no response from the Editor in 5 working days, they are recommended to send their inquiry or the paper electronically through email to the Journal's address: jolace@slovakedu.com.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253