A Cognitive Analysis to Metaphor and Metonymy in Selected Passages from Oscar Wild’s Short Stories
Iraq, ID LLCE2016-220; Metaphor and metonymy are two main motivating aspects for us to perceive ourselves and the abstract outside world. The success of metaphor and metonymy in communication may also be explained by the fact that they are beyond language, as it is to be found primarily in thought and action. In literature, they were used to be thought of as merely figures of speech, but cognitive linguistics claim that both of them are important cognitive instruments and ways of thinking of human beings. The Cognitive Linguistics approach to metaphor and metonymy provides an explanatorily elegant framework to account for much of the meaning underlying. In this paper, we describe the features and functions of metaphor and metonymy in the selected passages of Oscar Wild’s short stories. There is an attempt to show the importance of language use in the theme of the stories and the aim of the writer through metaphoric and metonymic patterns in the selected texts. Based on the illuminating framework offered by Cognitive Exploration of language and Linguistics, this paper attempts to analyze these two language phenomena in terms of their constructions, functions and working mechanisms in the light of semiotics, pointing out that both of them are special signs with the features of multi-hierarchy, ambiguity and openness and its construction relies on similarity and association.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
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