Addressing Differentiation: Effective Classroom Teaching Strategies (workshop)

Egypt, ID LLCE2015-169

This workshop on Addressing Differentiation, aims to help teachers of English and of other disciplines, implement differentiated instruction in their own teaching practices.  Research (Paron, et al., 2013, Taffe et al.,2012, Brimijoin 2005, Brown 2004, Gregory and Chapman, Tomlinson, 2001) has found that teachers can differentiate content, process or product for a more effective student learning process.

Differentiated instruction in the classroom, whether in schools or higher education, is the belief that all students can learn but will do so at different rates and through different approaches. The effectiveness of these principles of differentiated instruction as a teaching approach, lies in the fact that they are carried out proactively with careful planning; Lawrence Brown describes this as a “multilevel lesson planning system” (2004, p.34).

The workshop will provide participants with practical teaching strategies, multiple examples and useful tools to maximise the learning of all students both in the English language classroom and mainstream classrooms. These strategies can be adapted to all learning contexts.


Key words: Differentiated Instruction, English Language, Teaching Strategies, Effective Learning, Formative Assessment.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253