An Understanding of Street art and Graffiti in Urban Environments

Maryam Mesineh Asl, Islamic Art University of Tabriz, Iran, ID LLCE2017-165;      Abstract: While graffiti is referred to as an art form, some believe that it is an unwanted and undesirable nuisance. While vibrantly rich in history, graffiti had always had a controversial past, and still has the mentioned

present and future that will likely continue to be the major subject of debate in art forums, especially with the insurgence of street art in urban areas, an art form that often overlaps graffiti art in subject and meaning, media presentation, aesthetic appearance as well as its placement as a public form of art. Distinction of street art and graffiti art is to some extent challenging to the undiscerning eye. Street art and graffiti art styles are increasingly used in

mass media outlets, from advertisement to product placement as well as urban facades and furniture in metropolitan areas of Iran. Therefore, we will review the meaning and application of this art form in urban environments focusing on its social context and implications in Iran.

Key words: art, graffiti, urban



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
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