Basic pillars of the concept and strategy of teaching Slovak language and Slovak literature in primary schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction
István Szőköl & Andrea Puskás, J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia; Abstract: Slovak language and Slovak literature is a specific subject in schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction and occupies a leading place in the hierarchy of subjects. Its specific role is determined by the fact that Slovak language has the status of a state language in the Slovak Republic, it is the language of the majority, a means of communication, i.e. a tool for communication for citizens of Hungarian nationality with citizens of other nationalities in the Slovak Republic and at the same time it is a second (specific target) language in schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction. Social requirements are taken into account when planning the curriculum and the educational process. Children and pupils of citizens belonging to national minorities and ethnic groups are guaranteed the right to learn the state language. The educational process in schools with the language of instruction of nationalities is carried out in accordance with the instrument of ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. The importance of being able to speak the majority language by members of minorities is supported by a number of European recommendations.
The paper deals with the concept and strategy of teaching Slovak language and Slovak literature as well as its central position: helping the overall personal development of students, acquiring habits of good behaviour, especially in the field of speech, positively influencing the development of language-analogous abilities, the development of feelings connected with the language, creativity and positive attitudes towards Slovak language.
Keywords: Schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction, teaching process, Slovak language and Slovak literature, concept of teaching, strategy of the teaching process
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Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
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