Classification and Quality Criteria for Digital Teaching and Learning Resources in the field of Foreign Language Learning
Austria, ID CLEaR2015-267;
Foreign language teachers use online repositories on everyday basis to find appropriate activities for their lessons. The question is: How can content providers support them in finding exactly what they need and in retrieving high quality resources? This question has been discussed in the context of the European project “Open Discovery Space”. The answers are: a taxonomy of searching mechanisms and quality criteria of online resources from the methodologic point of view. Correspondingly, this paper introduces a classification of digital resources according to the four skills (speaking, writing, reading, listening/watching) and two language use types (grammar, vocabulary), representing the changing paradigm of foreign language teaching and learning. Further the paper identifies quality criteria for designing online learning materials with regard to title, description, instruction, task and activities. Finally, the findings are illustrated by an example of a learning scenario.
Keywords: E-Learning, Classification, Quality criteria, Foreign Language Learning
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253