Decorative Arts in Islamic Civilization during Mogul Period

Rahim Kaviani & Nafiseh Salehi, Iran, ID LLCE2016-309;           Islam as a divine religion began its mission in 610A.D. Second to forth centuries (A.H.) were the glorious days of Islamic civilization. During those days, the caliphs’ courts were open to diversities in terms of science and schools of thoughts. One of the controversial issues since those days until now was Art. Different schools of jurisprudence have various ideas about Art. Anyhow, the essence of this divine religion was totally in agreement with different types of arts. Decorative arts followed the previous approaches before Islam and then shifted to architect, pottery and ceramics with Islamic styles.  The present work aims to shed more light on the concept of art from the Islamic point of view in general and focuses on decorative arts during Mogul period in particular.

Keywords:  Islam, Islamic Civilization, Art, Decorative art




Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
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