Educational blogs in higher education. Case study.
Poland, ID LLCE2014-122
In my presentation I am going to introduce my experience with using blogs during two academic courses in my Institute (Institute of Audiovisual Arts) among full-time students of the third year of study and among part-time students of the first year of study. The first blog was created by all of the students during the course “The issues of cyberculture”. Students had to put to the blog one notes every week during four months (in total 16 notes) and three essays. Topics depended on their choice, but they had to be related to cyberculture and to the actual events. The second was the project of few blogs (they were created in 5 gropus), related to each other during course The theory of television. Every two weeks students had to answer the questions related to the academic text, discussed during class. In my speech I would like to compare both blogs’s methods, introduce the results and advantages as well as disadvantages of such educational proposition, and finally compare my assumptions with observations of Renee Flierl, Heather Fowler, Jana L. Bouwma-Gearhart, James L. Bess and Erica C. Boling from their articles.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253