Employing zoomable user interfaces in teaching L2 word associations
Saad Alzahrani, the United Kingdom, ID LLC6-263; This study will explore the effects on the successful acquisition of Arabic vocabulary as a foreign language in a multimedia CALL environment via an interactive zoomable user interface using (CAVA), a Computer Assisted Vocabulary Acquisition software for intentional vocabulary learning designed by the researcher. Presenting the words in lists, mostly grouped thematically, is the most common method of introducing vocabulary and that hasn’t changed over the years despite the pedagogical changes in the curriculum. This way of presenting words has its advantage in knowing the word form or meaning, however, knowing the word associations should be taken in account when designing vocabulary CALL programs as this might promote the development of lexical networks. Employing technology in teaching associations as an important dimension of the word knowledge could help to create extra links between the words resulting in a faster and more effective storage and retrieval of lexis. Overall, this should better achieve the aim of relating the effect of CALL research on vocabulary learning, and in turn, better inform SLA theories.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
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