Experiences with transnational exchange of good CLIL practice among European Educational Institutions

Jana Luprichová, Slovakia, ID LLCE2016-391;     The poster presents the objectives of an approved project “Transnational
exchange of good CLIL practice among European Educational Institutions” (No
2015-1-SK01-KA201-008937). The base of the project relates to the document
Education and Training in Europe 2020 which describes diverse policy
initiatives targeting young people under the age of 34 and highlights that
“Foreign languages skills can enhance the employability of young people”.
This initiative totally fits the target groups of the project which are
teachers of primary and secondary schools. Moreover, the project is
patterned on recommendations outlined in the document Rethinking Education
including new criteria of learning foreign languages that are based on a
dual approach with the aim that 15 year-olds should attain the level of the
Independent User of a first foreign language by the year 2020 and pupils in
lower secondary education should study at least two foreign languages. The
presented project underlines the priorities for member states to strengthen
the provision of transversal skills that increase employability such as
entrepreneurial initiative, digital skills and foreign languages.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
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