Innovation for Optimization: Task-Based Teaching and Learning in China College English Education

China, ID LLCE2016-247;     This paper introduces the current situation and potential problems in Institutional English education in China with the aim of exploring effective strategies and specific methods for improving students’ competence, by means of interviewing teachers’ feedback from their teaching practice and observing the classes. There has been a long discussion about English education for college students in China, i.e., what strategies should be applied for the purpose of effectively improving the students’ competence of using English language rather than simply dealing with a range of examinations. However, a variety of methods which have been proposed by so far gain little effect in such an attempt to realize the desired target.

Teachers play quite an important role in innovations of Institutional English education indeed, such as the qualities and experience of teachers, course implementation, materials preparation, class organization, teaching techniques and methodology, together with evaluation system; however, scholars have already reached the consensus that students are the center of education which deserves most attention. The process of improving the education effect involves increasing the students’ motivation, interest and emotional willingness to get immersed especially in the classroom setting. Besides, efforts should be made on the relationship between teachers and students while breaking any possible barrier which might interfere with the smooth communication between them. Another issue to be examined is how teachers serve as the monitor or supervisor during the innovation of classroom teaching in terms of class design and control. It is time to investigate into the real core of the current problem and it is necessary to redefine the concept of language teaching from the cognitive point of view within the framework of modern educational psychology by combining the artistic teaching process with the positive learning effect.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253