Japanese Higher Education: International Students, Challenges and Changes

Jonathan Aleles, Japan, ID CLEaR2016-369;       The Global 30 Project (G30 Project) was created to develop Japan into an international education hub. From its inception, The G30 Project’s aim was to internationalize Japanese higher education by creating more multicultural university campuses; this was supposed to build the foundation needed to propel Japanese universities into reputable educational hubs. The conclusion is that the internationalizing of Japanese higher education has not reached the indented outcome. Data presented in this study is based on surveys conducted at G30 universities in Japan where respondents (G30 students) where asked to evaluate the effectiveness of their university education while attending participating G30 universities. This comprehensive report will be used to identify problems and provide key recommendations on how to improve Japan’s effort at internationalizing its higher education intuitions.

Keywords: Japan, International Education, Global 30 Project.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
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