Models of language teaching and learning and their influence on the concept of Open Learning

Czech Republic, ID LLCE2015-226

In this paper, we want to introduce the concept of Open Learning and explain the theoretical background on which such a concept is based. Open Learning in a concept used while designing textbooks for foreign languages for specific purposes, focused on practical usage in real-world situations in professional carreers. In order to develop and design Open Learning material a careful study of psycholinguistic and methodological issues, to be able to design material which should be based on the knowledge of older and new models of language teaching and learning.

In the first part of the paper, we want to present a brief overview of historical psycholinguistic theories and how they influenced the development of the Open Learning concept to create a firm base of successful learning and teaching.

The second part introduces some of the successful models of language learning and teaching and their methodological influence on designing the professional educational material Open Learning. Before designing any textbook, it is necessary to understand both, the classical and modern approaches of language learning and teaching. We also want to explore the impact of ICT and multimedia teaching and learning on the Open Learning concept. This makes a crucial part of the basic knowledge when creating textbooks which should appeal to most of the learners and open-minded teachers.

Another part of the paper investigates the impact of computer-assisted learning and new models and principles of integrated language teaching and learning and how this particular knowledge helps us when designing courses and Open Learning materials, which are partly learned and taught using technology and online environment.

Last part is dedicated to the teacher´s training program we developed and its methodological basis, comparing old and new teaching models, as well as comparing a teacher of the past and teacher of the future.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253