National and Cultural stereotypes of pseudonyms in different languages (on the material of the English, Russian and Kazakh languages)

Kazakhstan, ID LLCE2015-125

In the article pseudonyms with unique structure, feature of semantics, reflecting national and cultural stereotypes of a certain ethnos that allows to deep an idea of features of formation of pseudonyms in different languages are described. Pseudonyms belong to a name of people, as the only object having extremely difficult and various range of names that is directly connected with the national and cultural stereotypes, including language, cultural, temporary and territorial space in which this unit functions. The proper name in particular, pseudonym is the border dividing universal and national and cultural and specific qualities of formation new names. According to scientists A.T. Kaidarov and E.A. Kerimbayev, “features of national onymes are caused not only and not so much by their belonging to this or that national language, but how many specifics of national culture in the environment of which this or that national names were created and formed these unit functions” [Kaidarov, 1990, р.12]. In each of the periods of the existence the pseudonym as the result of the self-nomination defines the nominative activity and interacts with such concepts as: era, culture, territory, time. The Lingua-cultural analysis of pseudonyms represents synthesis of lexico-semantic research of structure of the author’s onomastic units and the characteristic of their word-formation models promoting definition of traditional and individual and author's methods of creation of new, fictional surnames.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
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918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253