Preliminary view of designing a textbook for the ethnic group of Huncokars

Simona Dujková – Dušan Fedič – Monika Hornáček Banášová, UCM TRnava, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-144;      Abstract: The article focuses on the ethnic group of Huncokars who inhabited the territory of southwest Slovakia in the mountains of the Small Carpathians. They came to the territory of Slovakia in several waves, probably from today‘ s Bavaria. Nowadays, their offspring still live in these localities. These people have a very limited knowledge of Huncokar’s dialect. Several older descendants of the original Huncokars are able to speak fluently in this dialect. Therefore, the article aims at drawing up a textbook to help save this dialect. The partial aim of the project is to compose a textbook for a small circle of users, descendants of the original Huncokars who are interested in the historical and ethnological context as well as learning this dialect. The target group of this textbook is younger descendants of the Huncocks who know just little about the dialect. This textbook aims to educate readers about this dialect and convey knowledge of older generations of Huncock descendants to the younger ones. For these reasons, we assume that the textbook will not be designed in the classical way since special aspects will have to be taken into account. This will pose a great didactic challenge.

Key words: Huncokar ethnic minority, textbook design, special didactics.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
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