Teaching Receptive Skills and the Elements of Culture through Online Sources to Primary School Learners of English
Karolina Ditrych, Uniwersytet Technologiczno – Humanistyczny in Radom, Poland; Abstract: The article begins with a brief description of the characteristic features of primary school learners, who are divided into a group of lower primary learners (1st-3rd grade) and a group of upper primary learners (4th-6th grade), and their developmental needs, which must be taken into consideration before preparing any language course. The author emphasises the importance of developing receptive abilities in these two age groups, which come a long time before the development of productive skills. Then, the invaluable role of culture in child’s development is described in relation to the learning environment. In the final part the author concentrates on introducing different ways of developing receptive skills and the elements of culture on the basis of existing online sources. Some educational reading platforms and public libraries accessible on the Internet are introduced to support teachers’ knowledge in this field. The author’s role is to present unpopular, in contemporary times, ‘reading’ as a pleasurable experience both for the students and the teachers.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253