The Role of Methodology of Research in Language Pedagogy in Teacher Training

Silvia Pokrivčáková, Slovakia, ID CLEaR2016-404;         The paper introduces the project KEGA 055UKF-4/2016 entitled Creating digital university textbooks and multimedia courses for the subjects Methodology of research in language pedagogy and Methodology of research in literary scholarship.

In its larger context, the Project aims at improving higher education through the innovations of its content in the field of research methodology in language pedagogy (integrating the most recent knowledge in the field) and modernisation of organisational forms of education (applying the most recent educational multimedia platforms). The primary aim of the Project is to create a set of modern digital textbooks and flexible multimedia material support for the subjects falling into the research area of language and literature pedagogy (the Project´s educational objectives). The fulfilment of the Project´s educational objectives is undoubtedly conditioned by the systematization of methodological apparatus for the language and literature pedagogy research as well as by the assessment of the state of this research in Slovakia and its position/quality with regard to international context through the creation of a set of critical and comparative meta-analyses of scholarly works in the fields of language and literature pedagogy (the Project´s research objectives).

The Project is expected to have impact on the improvement of foreign language teacher training, as well as on the lifelong education of teachers of foreign languages and university teachers/research staff in the fields of linguistics and literature education. At the same time, the Project will create space for narrower and better relations between research into language and literature pedagogy and the pedagogical practice of future and current teachers of foreign languages and literatures on all educational levels (including higher education).

Key words

research methodology, language pedagogy, literary scholarship, academic research



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253