Wi-Fi'ing in Writing Classes

Egypt, ID LLCE2015-142

Everyone appreciates a free Wi-Fi, so what about Wi-Fi'ing in a writing class while having a good class connection between teachers and students?  The presenter will demonstrate the stages of having a strong Wi-Fi connection leading to an interactive writing class. Intended audience: all teachers.

Writing is a productive skill and mastering it allows students to communicate successfully. Teachers spend long time selecting motivating topics to encourage their students write well-developed writing pieces. However, students do not prefer writing classes because, for them, writing equals boredom.  Getting this reaction from learners, teachers suffer to make students sit to write good pieces.  

The presenter will show teachers different signals through which writing can be done communicatively to ensure in-class connection. They will use the acronym WIFI referring to different procedures of writing.  For instance, the "W" refers to the Walnut-Cracking Process and getting students to start writing on the assigned topic and the "I" refers to the integration of different skills to produce a well-written essay. Each letter in the WIFI refers to a different stage with different ideas to help teachers add flavors and action to their writing classes.

This workshop is an interactive one in which the presenter will show how writing can be an interesting process for both teachers and students. The presenter will demonstrate how the WIFI approach can transform a tedious writing class into an interactive, interesting one where students connect ideas while teachers detect creativity and facilitate in various ways via up-to-date and motivating signals. The WIFI shapes lesson aims into attainable ones that teachers and students can achieve easily in each class. At the end of the session, teachers will have a clearer idea of a range of techniques to strengthen their class connection in writing classes with students.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253