LLCE2020 Publications

LLCE2020 Book of Abstracts (ISBN 978-80-89864-21-8 ) consists of the abstracts of papers/posters/presentations which have been submitted for the conference, later evaluated through a double-blind reviewing process, and consequently recommended for publishing by the LLCE2020 Scientific Committee.
Conference papers:

A)  LLCE2020 Proceedings  (ISBN 978-80-89864-20-1) consist of the conference papers reviewed by 2 anonymous reviewers and approved by the International Conference Committee.


B) On the author´s choice, your LLCE2020 paper may be published in 2021 issues of the Journal of Language and Cultural Education (Web of Science). The papers need to be related to the journal scope and be approved by reviewers via a double peer-blind reviewing process),

  • final papers intended for the journal should be submitted to the journal website by 31 December 2020
  • 50% discount from a publishing fee (90,- EUR).

C) On the author´s choice, your LLCE2020 paper (approved by reviewers via a double peer-blind reviewing process) will be published in the 2020 issues of the research journal Scientia & Eruditio.

  • the paper needs to be related to the journal scope and be approved by reviewers via a double peer-blind reviewing process).
  • the final paper intended for the journal should be submitted to by 12 December 2020;
  • publishing is free of charge.