Think globally and act locally - Textbooks
Jan Pikhart
University of Prešov, Slovakia
Coursebooks still lie at the heart of English language teaching and the number of them is increasing dramatically every year. In spite of an array of published material available, it can be an extremely challenging task to choose the right material. And this particularly applies to a novice teacher. Given the fact that the vast majority of current teaching and learning materials are primarily intended and produced for the global market, the commercial materials cannot cater for such variables as different types of learners of various backgrounds, origins, interests, levels of proficiency. As a result, we, teachers, are forced to make informed judgments about the choice of materials. Additionally, we are almost invariably made to question the extent to which we should adapt the materials. In the light of the environmental slogan think globally and act locally, the paper sets out to make a contribution to this topical and everyday issue, and attempts to look at some considerations in order to make our teaching more student-centred, effective as well as more enjoyable.
Keywords: choosing learning and teaching materials, learners, teachers, evaluation
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
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918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253